In groups of 4 make a piece of graphic design situated in the city that is mega, extra large, jumbo, mammoth, super - this should be in terms of size and graphic impact. The content of the Mega graphics must relate to something the whole group decides is Urgent. 
In our groups, we first discussed possible subjects for this project. Some of our other ideas included the unreliability of Bristol Bus Services. I suggested University Accommodation as a possible issue to discuss; two of us realised we were in the same halls and kept having outages of hot water.

Materials we had included thick marker pens, lots of a1 sized bright pink paper and bright green duct tape. We then brainstormed lots of different issues that we all had with our various halls which we could then write onto the paper as large as we could. As we were producing our work, somewhat awkwardly, the receptionist came to ask us what we were up to. After we gently explained that it was about student accommodation, they told us about the Barton House Protests. Residents had been removed from their flats due to safety concerns and all had made posters and banners speaking on issues that they faced.
We were to present our work in as large a form as we could in a suitable location that relates to the messaging. An accommodation would surely be the perfect location, but we had a few ideas as to where exactly. The windows in Phoenix Court do not open in a way that you could stick posters to. Instead, we decided to completely cover the staircase with each poster so that a whole flight would be covered with type. It also makes the work look as though it’s overflowing down the stairs, emphasising the number of issues there are. In order to avoid unwanted attention from staff and prevent people from standing on it whilst we were making it, we presented our work at the top of the building on the 10th floor.
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